Creative director and chief conductor - Yuriy Kinus.

Musical master and conductor - Andrey Machnev.

Kim Nazaretov came back from the Kharkov conservatory just then. Today this name is well known far beyond the boundaries of the country. It is precisely this which brought Rostov world acclaim and is even now, and forever, linked with the town, becoming, in fact, the ‘business card’ and ‘brand’ of the Don capital. Kim gathered a band which immediately aimed to only play jazz. In 1969 the trombonist and arranger, Viktor Kutov appeared in Rostov. He easily ‘joined’ Kim’s group and somehow unnoticeably became the ‘deputy band-leader’, arranger and general ‘right hand’. Together with Kim they created a highly professional collective of jazzmen, many of whom became teachers in the newly opened first variety-jazz department in an institute of the arts in the Soviet Union in 1974.

And so the first personal orchestra of Nazaretov-Kutov appeared in Rostov. Undoubtedly the history of any large collective is a difficult artistic process, controllable by the clever thinking and talent of a special leader. But in this case, as it seems to me, we can talk about the duet of leaders, their tandem. I would even dareto draw a parallel with the orchestra of Ellington, where Billy Strayhorn was everything for the Duke, ‘right hand, left hand, and the eyes in the back of his head.’ Nazaretov and Kutov had an analogous relationship. They walked a single jazz-band road together and complemented each other wonderfully: Kim made artistic contacts, Viktor worked on orchestral recording, Kim generated ideas, Viktor realized them.

The Rostov big band of Nazaretov-Kutov quite quickly became on of the leading bands in the country. And in 1988 it first showed its mastery in Glasgow. The skill of the Rostovites baffled the press. Anthony Troon named his article, ‘Surprise, presented by Russians’:

At the beginning my heart just ‘broke’ when the electric guitarist, Viktor Borilov, came from the wings to play Duke Ellington’s Don’t Get Around Much. But he soon knocked the public out as a musician of the highest technicality and unbelievable harmonic tricks. We heard the quivering, emotionally performed arrangements from ‘Serenade’ and Thelonious Monk’s ‘headspinning’ Rhythm-a-ning at an incredible tempo at the end of the programme… And the orchestra of Kim Nazaretov truly earned the standing ovation at the end of the concert (Glasgow Herald).

The oldest jazz orchestra in Russia, Kim Nazaretov’s (in second place after the band of Oleg Lundstrem), never ceases to amaze. For more than 40 years it has been open to the most varied creative collaboration! At different times the saxophonists, Georgi Garanyan (Moscow) and Anatoliy Vapirov (Varna, Bulgaria) multi-talented performer, David Goloschekin (Saint Petersburg), trumpeter, Valeriy Kolesnikov (Donetsk, Ukraine), trombonist, Viktor Budarin (Novosibirsk), guitarist, Viktor Borilov (Rosto-on-Don), singer, Larisa Dolina (Moscow) and the vocal ensemble, Gaea (Baku, Azerbaijan) have performed with it. And not long ago the vocalists of Count Basie’s orchestra, Dennis Rowland and Melba Joyce were its soloists.

In the depository of disks of collective 5 plates and 3 CD:

  • «Jazz-84» (Moscow),
  • «Autumn rhythms - 86» (Leningrad)
  • «Autumn rhythms - 88» (Leningrad)
  • «Tbilisi-86»
  • M. Kazhlayev “Only you” (1987)
  • Municipal jazz orchestra named after Kim Nazaretov (records 1964 – 2001). Russiandisc. Moscow, 2002.
  • Fair(records 1997 – 2003). Rostov-on-Don, StudioA& JRecords. 2003.
  • International big band. Dortmund/Germany – Rostov/Russia. Municipal jazz orchestra named after Kim Nazaretov under the administration of Andrey Machnev and big band of Jazz Academy named after G. Bouschmann u/adm. of Uve Plat. LC 12198 Rock-n-Soul. Visible Response. Recording Studio & Mastering: Robert Schuhman – Hochschule. Dusseldorf, 2006.


Download Name Play Size Lenght
download B.Strayhorn.-Take_the_A_train
arr. V.Borilov (Kim Nazaretov's Rostov-on-Don municipal big-band, solo guitar - Victor Borilov, rec. 1989)

3.8 MB 4:06 min
download I.Dunaevskii-Vesna_idet
K.Nazaretov, fp., rec. 1964

1.8 MB 1:59 min
download M.Legran.-What are you doing the rest of your life
Kim Nazaretov's Rostov-on-Don municipal big-band, solo tb - Yakov Kyulyan, rec. 1980

5.4 MB 5:55 min